Taking Guns to Holy Ground in Mexico City

Adriana Zehbrauskas for The New York Times

Mexican soldiers evaluated guns last month in Mexico City. The city has largely been spared the violence of other areas.

MEXICO CITY — A young woman cradling a large crucifix left Mexico’s holiest shrine, the Basilica of St. Mary of Guadalupe, on a recent afternoon and stopped at a tent outside, where soldiers were piling up pistols and rifles on a table, part of a citywide cash-for-guns program.

The woman had brought the crucifix to be blessed, but the sight of the tent reminded her father, who was with her, that he could finally get rid of the .22-caliber pistol and the .38-caliber revolver he kept at home.

“I have had them for 40 years, and I have never used them or will use them,” said the 67-year-old man, who declined to give his name, citing the gun plan’s anonymity. “So I might as well exchange them.”

Mexico City officials have invited residents to drop off their antique pistols, rusted rifles, Saturday night specials, air guns, even their grenades — no names, no questions — hoping to put a dent in the number of weapons they believe are hidden in people’s homes, avoid accidents and maybe even reduce violent crime.

They chose the basilica in the belief that people would feel more confident turning over their weapons on holy ground.

“It’s neutral territory,” said Rosa Icela Rodríguez, the city’s secretary of social development. People may not trust the police or the government, she said, but “who doesn’t know the basilica?”

The capital has largely been spared the gun violence that has ravaged much of the country. The city of nearly nine million had an average of slightly more than two killings a day last year, a rate lower than that of many large cities in the United States.

But in November, a 10-year-old boy at the movies was killed when a stray bullet fired into the air outside pierced the cinema’s roof. The killing struck a nerve here, leading to calls for action.

City officials responded by shifting the desultory and poorly publicized efforts of the past into overdrive.

They are sending social workers door to door to remind residents that it is illegal to have a gun without a permit and that a gun at home does not guarantee protection. The workers have been spreading the word about the exchange and compiling an informal census on attitudes about guns. The buyback program, which began in December, has so far collected almost 3,500 guns, as well as ammunition and grenades.

Unlike the United States, where proposals for stricter gun laws are driving a heated political debate, Mexico has strict gun laws and little formal opposition to them. Mexico’s Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms, but that right has been severely restricted.

It is virtually impossible to buy a gun legally; there is only one gun shop in the country, and it is run by the army. The kinds of guns people can buy are sharply limited and require a permit first. Private gun sales also require a permit, and carrying a gun outside one’s home requires a separate document.

The Small Arms Survey, a research project at the Graduate Institute of Research and Development in Geneva, estimates that Mexico has 15.5 million civilian-owned guns, about 15 guns for every 100 residents, compared with 99 per 100 in the United States.

But the number of legal guns in Mexico is even lower: only 2.8 million are registered, according to the Organization of American States.

The vast majority of guns here come from the United States, either smuggled in by criminal gangs or diverted from legal purchases by corrupt officials, according to Magda Coss, who has written about Mexico’s gun trade. Mexican leaders have blamed lax gun laws north of the border for the gun violence here, which the government says has taken about 50,000 lives in the past six years.

Long before the drug wars, Mexicans had an ambivalent relationship with guns. The history of insurrection and revolution created a popular mythology studded with armed folk heroes like Emiliano Zapata, the revolutionary depicted in a famous photograph with a rifle and bandoleers across his chest.

Village festivals to celebrate the patron saint often end with drunken men lumbering down starlit country roads shooting their weapons into the air. Mexico’s fast-forward urbanization has simply moved the festivals and their shooting into densely populated working-class streets.

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